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History- Based Writing/Grammar 5&6

Grades 4 - 7
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Course Schedule
Class Follows Alternate Schedule
Dates: 2020-08-25 to 2021-03-30
Tuition: $120 / Annual
Supplies: $10
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About the Course
History- Based Writing/Grammar 5&6

I am thrilled to teach Grammar and Writing this year! 

  • The core focus will be our writing.  Our required text will be IEW (https://www.rainbowresource.com/product/054172/Student-Resource-Notebook,-Spiral-Bound-Book.html?trackcode=googleBase&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&adpos=&scid=scplp054172&sc_intid=054172&gclid=Cj0KCQjwzN71BRCOARIsAF8pjfjnBIRdAeR3LrtNK2jcvBH9sdffdar0OMtT6HjoYZeZsOI2E7Sh2b0aAhU_EALw_wcB).  We will learn and improve writing structure and style. If you have a Student Resource Packet from a previous year, don't buy the notebook just yet...let's see if we can save you a few dollars.)

  • IEW also offers "Portable Walls" which I recommend. (https://iew.com/shop/products/portable-walls-structure-and-style%C2%AE-students)

  • I will incorporate grammar from Shurley English, and recommend this program for grammar at home (skip the writing portion on school weeks, unless your child just loves to write, because there is plenty of writing to do from class.) This year we will concentrate on mechanics (punctuation, etc.) We will learn fun facts each week. No book to buy.

  • We will expand vocabulary by learning a few Latin words using English from the Roots Up (ISBN 0964321033)(Recommended but not required.)

  • Handwriting and knowledge of history (and science) will improve with readings (TBA) that correlate with Cornerstone's 3/4 History / Science class.

  • Students in this class will develop presentation and listening skills every week.

  • Parents will choose a long passage of Scripture with their children to memorize all year long.  This passage (whatever is memoried to date) will be used occassionally as class presentation material.  This is helpful because (Scripture is always helpful) sometimes the assigned material just won't get done at home, and it gives the students the best possible presentation Plan B, already all ready. 

  • We will read Who Was Marie Curie? by Megan Stine (ISBN 978-0-448-47896-8) and The Silver Chair by CS Lewis.  Students will choose a topic for a research paper at the end of the semester that will correlate with either the 5/6 History/Science class or a Bible topic (always right on point.) 

Your child will need a slim 3-ring binder with loose leaf paper (please, not a spiral notebook, due to the blizzard of little pieces on the floor after class) and pencils.


Cannot enroll children into a inactive course.

About Staci

I have been privileged to teach with Cornerstone since 2016. I love English and excelled in my English studies through college. I currently teach 9th grade Composition and Literature Analysis, and as needed, upper school Economics, Business Math, Survey of Economic Systems (Capitalism v. Socialism from a Christian Worldview), and starting in 2024, I am thrilled to mentor a dual credit Intro to Psychology class through Southeastern University.

I have 4 children and 3 grandchildren. I was baptized when I was 23 years old at a church of Christ in Jackson, TN. I am currently a member at Southeast Christian church and attend the Indiana campus, where I soak up love and learning on Sunday mornings, and enjoy working in the cafe with the Middle School Ministry.

I earned my BSBA in Business Administration- concentrating in Economics, with a minor in Psychology - from Union University in Jackson, TN in 1994; I was honored to receive the 1994 Award for Academic Excellence in Economics and Finance. I then taught adults in a Business School. Later, I worked for 7 years in the automotive industry, where I became ASQ certified as a Quality Engineer, where auditing, and training, and leading systematic team problem-solving using graphical analysis and statistics were daily tasks.

I think teaching is fun, and my goal is that your child's time in my class is efficient - that they feel accomplished, make thousands of neural connections, and remember a lot!

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