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New family enrollment for Cornerstone fall classes is now closed. 

Some of the most frequently asked questions

Thank you taking the time to look at the list of frequently asked questions. If you need help and cannot find the answer here, please send us a message.

1. Where do we meet for classes?
Classes are held at Graceland Baptist Church, 3600 Kamer Miller Rd, New Albany, IN 47150

2. Do parents attend class?
Elementary students need to have a parent present during class. Upper school students do not. However, it is encouraged in either situation to continue to take part in your child's education during classes at Cornerstone.

3. What are the requirements of students and families?

Steps to Apply

4. May I register for just one class? 

Students may register for any  number of classes; however, students should be aware that there are required assignments to be completed outside of class each week.

5. Do instructors give grades?

All upper school instructors give grades.

6. What is the difference between the registration fee and the course fee?

Registration fees are paid to Cornerstone Classical Educators and cover our facility rental, insurance, and other expenses. (Checks only.) This payment is due on or before the first day of class in August. The course fees are paid directly to the instructor. This varies by grade and by course and is listed with the course description. Upper school courses are reserved by a $50 check written to the instructor that goes toward this course fee. Courses may be paid in full in August or in $50 monthly increments the first Tuesday of each month.

7. What do upper school students do if they have an open period in their schedules?

Students are required to be either in a class or in study hall. There is a fee for study hall.

8. What Dual Credit options are available?

Dual Credit Opportunities

9. What are the policies of the school?

CCE Policies